Celebrity Chef Mark Anthony

Chef Mark Anthony has been on ABC, NBC, CBS and appears regularly on 3ABN Worldwide television. He has done these events in every single state in the country. For FREE!!

Here is the message he presented on Sabbath including his personal testimony:

On Sunday, he gave a live cooking demonstration with these great topics:
Weight Loss, Lower Cholesterol, Increase Energy, Plant Based Health Nutrition

Mark Anthony's Suggested Readings:
  • "The Low Carb Myth" by Dr. Ari Whitten
  • "The End of Over Eating" by David Kessler
  • "Reversing Diabetes" by Dr. Neal Barnard
  • "How Not To Die" by Dr. Michael Greger
  • "The Starch Solution" by Dr. John McDougall
  • "Councils on Diets and Foods" by Ellen White

If you wish to learn more about him, please visit any of the following for more info:
